Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Here's what I hope to accomplish in 2011

  1. Get to goal: I hope to loose 25 lbs. to reach my weight goal and then become a lifetime member with Weight Watchers.
  2. Keep active: I plan to make it to the gym four/five days a week. I realized that I had been over doing it after my recent injury and figure that this would be a good balance for me.
  3. Start a freelance business: I plan to balance full time work while freelancing for several publications in addition, I hope to add new clients, get registered, and start my own Website.
  4. Start a personal project: I want to continue to shoot photos and video, adding multimedia slideshows with audio and stills to my personal work, documenting life in hopes to build my personal portfolio.
  5. Get personal work in a gallery: I would like to have some of the personal work I complete displayed in a gallery for potential revenue generation.
  6. Attend a seminar: I hope to go to at least one seminar this year. I would like to get to the National Press Photographer Association's Northern Short Course or maybe the Southern Short Course, in addition to smaller workshops.
  7. Get involved with photographers locally by joining a group or camera club: I want to increase exposure and learning by working and talking with local photographers to see what they are doing in this tough market to generate revenue.
  8. Get financially stable: I need to start building my financial future and focus on bringing in funds, paying off debt, and building a savings account.
  9. Improve friendships, relationships, and meet new people: I want to improve relationships and meet new people because that is something that has been lacking in my life.
  10. Improve my self-esteem: Know that no matter what others may say, I know the truth and know that I can't depend on others making me happy, it comes from within. When I learn to care and love my self, others will too.

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